Thy Will

In light of the tough times we’re all facing, I’ve had a great deal of time to contemplate, and thoughtfully apply many spiritual learnings I have gathered through the years. One of the most helpful and useful tools I most resonated with at Michael Beckwith’s Agape International Spiritual Center of Truth was the concept of the Three Levels of Spiritual Development as an apprenticeship through life: the Victim, the Manifestor, and the Channel. The terms are pretty self-explanatory, with the Channel as the ultimate and most desirable level to achieve.

To be clear, the term channel in this context does it mean what you think it means. It doesn’t mean that as a Channel you are being possessed as a medium through which a disembodied Being speaks. In this context of an apprenticeship through higher consciousness; the Channel refers to a way of living, and experiencing life in the freedom of God’s divine plan for your life, without the distortions of the human condition. The Channel has outgrown the fears, doubts, impatience, etc., that interfere with our higher good.

This conversation about being a channel is not about limitation and restriction, it’s all about the best kind of empowerment. The true sovereignty that unlocks your ability to live your life in real freedom; doing, being, and having not necessarily whatever you want, but exactly what you were created to fulfill in such a unique and brilliant way that is all your own. Living this channeled life will bring abundance, joy, love, health, and success beyond what you could have ever imagined with your little human perspective.

How do you know when you’re ready to be the Channel? When you’re ready for this ultimate freedom you’ve gotten to the point where you trust, seek, and expect the divine signposts along the way that will undoubtedly lead you to everything you need to achieve your full divine potential, free of the traps of unconscious humanness.

How do you Channel? Follow your Bliss!

Peace & Blessings,

Psalm 23-28

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